New information about the "Boruto: Naruto Next Generations" manga, written by Ukyo Kodachi and Masashi Kishimoto, and illustrated by Mikio Ikemoto, was revealed today after a four-month hiatus. This hiatus represents a significant change for the franchise, as there will be a time-skip and the manga will be renamed "Boruto: Two Blue Vortex." The time-skip implies that the characters will age and the franchise is intended to become "independent" of its predecessor "Naruto".
This pause marks a new beginning and is considered a vindication for Boruto. Although the news became a trend, few details have been revealed. A promotional image shows Sarada Uchiha, daughter of Sasuke Uchiha and Sakura Haruno, which got fans excited. The manga is scheduled to resume publication in August, and the latest chapter showed changes in character roles, with Boruto becoming a rogue ninja and Sarada awakening the Mangenkyou-Sharingan differently from her father. Fans have already started creating drawings of Sarada Uchiha's new design.